Friday, 29 March 2013

Body Shop 'Ruby' doll heads to NYC!

Last month we had a seller from Norwich email us to say that a very collectable Body Shop 'Ruby' doll she had listed on PoundSeller had sold to a buyer in New York!!

This doll is so collectable because it was the late Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop's Anti Barbie doll and challenged the stereotypes dictated by the media and aimed to show the 3 billion women out there that normal is healthy, not skinny. The doll was launched in 1998 and helped to break the ice on a topic that was very prominent but not very commonly spoken about at that time.

Ruby was a fun idea, but she carried a serious message. She was intended to challenge stereotypes of beauty and counter the pervasive influence of the cosmetics industry, of which we understood we were a part. Perhaps more than we had even hoped, Ruby kick-started a worldwide debate about body image and self-esteem.

PoundSeller is a global business so whether your currency is US Dollars, Euro's and Great British Pounds, you can sell or indeed buy, comission free on our site.

Take a look at Ruby in New York on her expedition and remember to pay us a visit to make sure you don't miss out on some of the brilliant bargains we have for sale.