Saturday, 29 December 2012

PoundSeller and Tickles collaberation

PoundSeller are pleased to announce that we have once again collaberated with Tickles to offer an amazing deal which will save our customers 96% off the RRP.

Simply visit Tickles and filter by region, then have a look at our amazing deal.

Other sites offer 'free listing weekends' or 'no insertion fees' however they will still charge you a massive 10% of what your item sells for, so if you are selling your pride and joy, expect to pay through the nose if you use the other sites.

We will never charge commssion, not now, not ever so you will never get a surprise invoice from us.

And with 5 free pictures in each listing, you can show your item off in its best light, without paying hefty add ons.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Currency upgrade

PoundSeller have upgraded our currency options to include US Dollar's and Euro's.

We had noticed a rise in traffic from the USA and the rest of Europe and so it seemed logical to integrate some additional currencies.

Nothing has changed in terms of how you list items or indeed how you pay, there is simply an additional dropdown box whereby you can select which currency you wish to list in.

We've also added a link to a currency converter so if an item is listed in USD and you aren't sure of the latest exhange rate, simply click the button and you'll be directed to a sit where you can easily check the latest exchange rate.

There are also a few days left for you to take advantage of our Christmas offer. Simply register free on PoundSeller and click on promotional codes, enter the code Jinglebells (case sensitive) to activate 10 free listings.

Once activated, the code won't expire however you must activate it before 31st December.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

PoundSeller wants to help charities

PoundSeller understands how much good work charities do for our communities and for the environment, however we know that many don't have an online presence when it comes to selling items in order to raise money.

The UK public are so generous with the items that they send to the charity shops but they get absolutely swamped with items that take months to organise and shift.

PoundSeller is proud to announce that any UK registered charity can have free unlimited listings on our site, and as we don't charge commission it means that every penny goes straight to the charity.

As we have made PoundSeller simple and user friendly, even the most technically challenged person could use it, so there is even more reason to take the plunge and help maximise the sales from charity shops.

If you are or know of a charity that could benefit from our offer, simply send us an email to and we will supply you with the details.



Monday, 22 October 2012

PoundSeller partners up with Tickles!

Today PoundSeller (the new and cheaper eBay alternative) went live with an exclusive offer, courtesy of Tickles London.

We have offered their subscribers an exclusive offer, saving a massive 96% off the RRP, perfect for those who can't refuse a bargain!

We will be having further offers going live in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire in the coming few days so make sure you don't miss out!

If you wan't to take this offer up, visit Tickles London and click to claim!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

PoundSeller wants to go global!

Hello to you all!

Great to see that our Twitter and Facebook audiences are continuing to grow, if you have been part of making this happen then please accept my thanks!

We are still running promotions for the milestones hit with either likes on Facebook or followers on Twitter so do keep your eyes peeled to avoid dissappointment.

Great items are being listed, all sorts from old collectables to brand new saucy books!!

We are looking to build some functionality to take PoundSeller to the global market, namely the ability to list in Pounds, Dollars or Euros which will take our site to the next level and open us up to our European and American market.

We will run a promotion and press release when this has been completed.

If you are reading this and want to give us some feedback, we'd very much appreciate it so please click here.

Speak to you soon



Thursday, 30 August 2012

eBay alternative site just keeps growing!

Good evening good people,

Well things have certainly being picking up again, we've had an outstanding international audience gathering with several new customers joining us from the USA.

We did a press release recently which you can read here

We ran a promotion over the last week to celebrate reaching 1200 followers on Twitter and offered a code for 10 free listings (£10 equivalent) which can still be redeemed until midnight tomorrow. Simply register on and enter the promotional code Summer to activate.

If you don't want to miss out on our future offers, follow us on Twitter here 

We are also on Facebook so if you are feeling generous, why not swing by and give us a like

We have some really fab items listed on the site now including jewellery , football programmes , some gorgeous womens fashion items , for the collectors there is militaria , coins and so much more!

We've met some brilliant local businesses recently so watch this space, there may be some collaberations coming up soon!

We are always excited to get customer feedback so if you've paid us a visit and want to let us know how you've gotten on, drop us an email to

We hope to see you soon, come and support our venture and help us to grow!



Sunday, 12 August 2012

Busy busy busy!!!

Welcome to the latest edition of PoundSeller blog, it's been a seriously busy few weeks.

We had the good folks at All Things Norfolk do an interview with Matt and I, to see the interview, click here.

Then we added the comparison feature to the site, so you can see exactly how cheap we are compared to eBay. I think you'll agree that when you see it put clearly like that, we really are the cheaper, simpler alternative.

Today we released our first press release on PRWeb and released it to London, Birmingham and of course, Norwich.

Our Twitter following has gone banana's, we have over 1100 followers now which is completely outstanding, we have to remind ourselves sometimes that we've only been trading for 4 months, it really shows the amazing support of the public.

We've got some pretty exciting idea's in the pipeline, I'll keep you appraised when we know more logistically, keep your eyes peeled!!


Saturday, 21 July 2012

July PoundSeller update

Good morning! As it's been rather a long time since my last blog I thought I'd better pull my finger out and get back to updating you of our progress.

The site has continued to grow steadily and we have noticed a definite increase in traffic which is great news, it seems people are starting to realise that you dont have to settle for paying commission and sales fees. And with PoundSeller all items go on to our front page, you don't have to pay extra for it!

Our social media traffic is also on the up, last look at Twitter we had over 900 followers and our Facebook page  had almost 500 likes which is outstanding and we are thrilled that our message is being received by such a large audience.

I was contacted recently on Twitter by a guy called Casey who wanted to feature us in Inventors Showcase magazine, I'll keep you posted when it comes out but it should be in early August. We'll have a two page article about us and what we do, along with a photo or two for your viewing pleasure, not too shabby for a company thats been trading for just over 3 months!

We've had listings including a washing machine, designer mens clothing, a sound system, a couple of cars, football programmes, furniture, adult toys, jewellery and even ecigs for those trying to quit smoking, listed in the last couple of weeks. And we have seen site feedback go up as well so it's clear that items are selling.

We are in the process of compiling a comparison report which I will publish on here and in our FAQ section soon, which will summarise the costs of other online auction sites compared to ours, so a great little tool if you are a regular eBay or ebid user and are thinking of a change.

I look forward to my next update and if you havent already, be sure to check us out!


PoundSeller Ltd

Sunday, 17 June 2012

PoundSeller gains momentum!!

So, without further delay, I'm proud to announce that PoundSeller has had it's first outsider review, courtesy of the marketing dragon Mr Paul Keating.

Quote:" Marketing Dragon goes behind the scenes at what may look like a serious contender for an EBAY competitor. I email interviewed Matt and Hannah of Poundseller this week and took a closer inspection of the new up and coming .com business of the year in my opinion."

I met Paul through, you guessed it, Twitter and after a couple of brief exchanges he posted an interim review a week ago with the promise of a more detailed version in due course.

Today, he posted the full version here so please have a look and see a little bit of background from Matt and I as to how this all came to be.

As for the business in general, PoundSeller is picking up momentum, we are noticing more traffic coming to the site and people are spending longer browsing which is great news.

We are receiving feedback advising that items are selling so as well as the constant stream of new items being listed, people are buying, so this is excellent news.

We've been considering the best way to advertise the site going forward, forums seem to get a lot of hits but as we are a niche market, it's hard to find somewhere to place us so the best type of forum exposure for us appears to be from people that have used us, posting about their experience.

We will continue to post leaflets locally as we have been doing and are considering using a distribution company so we can reach a wider audience, saying that though, without any direct advertising, London continues to be our largest audience so we must be doing something right!

Our Twitter base continues to grow, last look was about 650 followers which is great, there are some really generous and supportive companies/ individuals out there who believe in supporting local business and helping the little guy to become, well, not so little.

Find me posting constant tweets about all manner of things here!/poundseller

The site continues to be improved with the help of our ever fantastic website guy David Thurtell who at whatever time of day or night (even when on holiday) does whatever he can to assist us with our continuous demands.

Improvements such as being able to see whether a reserve has been met or not (from a consumer point of view) means that people have better control of their bids and can avoid disappointment if an item ends without the reserve being met.

We've also added a new series of functions so that when you log in to your members screen, you have all of your recent activity displayed on the front screen which is a great visual aid and helps members to manage their account.

We always welcome feedback from customers through our email address and will continue to make improvements based on our customers needs.

 I will hopefully have more positive news next week for my 7th blog entry, you can also like us on Facebook here and see more pictures of the items currently listed on the site.

Have a great week


PoundSeller Ltd

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Jubilee weekend and 2nd month of trading

PoundSeller has been live for 2 months!!

We have seen a definite increase in traffic and whilst the majority of our advertising has been done locally, the internet has done it again! We have noticed traffic from all over the UK and indeed worldwide which can only be down to Twitter, Facebook, this blog and some good natured people who are helping to spread the PoundSeller name.

To mark the Jubilee, we have created a promo code which is Jubilee (case sensitive) which allows new or existing members to grab 5 free listings to either get them started or to continue clearing away the trash so it may become another man (or womans) treasure.

We added a new feature last week so now potential buyers can see when a reserve has been met, meaning less ambiguity when bidding and hopefully more sales for our sellers.

We had a lovely email today advising a small article had been done about the site so that was a nice surprise and again another Twitter triumph!

So to summarise extremely briefly, we have the following items on the site:

1950's FA Cup tickets, stamps, ladies clothing, mens clothing, lots of jewellery, WW2 items, art deco hair pins, railway memorabilia, iPhone cases, digital watches, first edition books, DVD's, records, vehicle parts, furniture, a car, shoes and bags and lots of stuff inbetween.

We did our first leaflet drop yesterday and posted about 500 leaflets around our local area, hopefully it prompts more people to have a look and see what we are about.

Hopefully the next few weeks are productive and people come on board with PoundSeller, we want to provide people with a genuine alternative site that is easy to use with a no fuss approach to paying for their listings.

As ever, we are on Twitter @PoundSeller and on Facebook

Hope to see you soon

PoundSeller Ltd

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Week 5

We are now in our 5th week of trading and we have been really pleased with the support of local businesses, particularly the lovely people that I have met on Twitter.
Twitter has been absolutely critical in branching out to new people all over the UK, helping to spread our name and meet companies also starting up, because the categories we have are vast, people from most types of business are able to list items, or simply advertise their own businesses.
We have a few companies currently listing items with us which is fantastic, we fully appreciate that it's a leap of faith for people and that something new can't help but be a little daunting so we are thankful that the site has been designed with simplicity in mind.
The feedback we have had from some of the companies that have listed has been very positive, airing on the side of it being easy to use and simple to navigate which is good to hear as after looking at it for 6 months whilst the build was happening, we have got used to it, it's nice that our audience think it looks as good as we do. 
We have got some lovely items listed and categories are starting to fill up, we have got everything from cars to jewellery to kitchen splashacks to dvd's and lots of bits inbetween.
As the site is becoming more active, items are starting to sell which is great news for our sellers and will hopefully encourage repeat business.
We have made some enhancements to the site to make listing and buying easier for our customers, we have made the sections in 'My Account' more comrehensive so it's easy to find the items you want.

We could not be happier with the start we have had and hope that PoundSeller goes on to be a big success, we will sporadically put out promotional codes for free listings so make sure to follow us on twitter @PoundSeller and like our Facebook page

Look forward to seeing you soon



Sunday, 22 April 2012

So its the beginning of week 3 and we have been pleased to see a steady increase in traffic in the last couple, just need to keep up the momentum!!
We have had some really cool items listed including antiques, a telescope, really unusual jewellery, lots of shoes and ladies handbags (always popular!) and the list goes on
So far i am leaning on the internet mostly for advertising as you can track through analytics, how many people are viewing us ny way of referral.
Going forward we may have some adverts in local papers initially but we will see how the next month pans out.
I am holding on to some items which i am going to feed on to the site in the next few days, its easy to get carried away and i have to admit, i've been sizing up most of my belongings and had to stop myself.
I will keep posting midweek if we have any really out there itemd listed, other than that i will just throw a once weekly blog on with general business updates.
Have a great week!

PoundSeller Ltd

Saturday, 21 April 2012

2nd week update

So at the end of week two, the site has been progressing really well and I have been amazed with how many people from all over the world have looked. Our advertising has been local in Norwich and on Facebook and Twitter, it really goes to show how the internet has changed the way business works and how with just a few clicks, you can be seen by strangers all over the world.

So in terms of functionality, we have just added the relist function and also users now have facility to see how many bids are on each of their items.

We continue to tweak the site and make amendments so that users can do all of the things they have come to expect from an auction site whilst still maintaining our 'Keeping Selling Simple' ethos.

We always welcome feedback from our users and whilst we may not be able to accomodate them all, it is crucial for us at PoundSeller to know how our users like to shop.

I would like to remind you to make use of our free promo codes, they wont be around for ever and seeing as very few things in life are truly free, take this opportunity and list 10 items for up to 30 days completely free and make use of the 5 free pictures that come with every Poundseller listing.

I do hope you like the site and find it easy to navigate, come and have a look and use promo code Friend (case sensitive) for 10 free listings.


PoundSeller Ltd

Twitter: @PoundSeller
Facebook: PoundSeller Ltd


Sunday, 15 April 2012

PoundSeller Ltd introduction

Norwich company launch new online auction website
We at PoundSeller understand that in these difficult times, people want to save money, yet still get great service.
Here at PoundSeller, we are different from our competitors and believe in keep selling simple.
We only charge £1 per listing, regardless of the item price, and include 5 free pictures as standard.
For example, you could sell a car for £10,000 and only have to pay us a £1 listing fee.
You can fully customise your listing from 1-30 days and have the option of having an advert, auction or buy now feature at no extra cost.
You will not be charged a membership fee to use our site, nor will you have to pay commision or sales fees, payment is made up front so there will be no unexpected invoices either, we feel that these simple principles are what makes us unique.
We are offering all new users a free listing to get you started, we hope you like our site and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Happy selling
PoundSeller Ltd (c)